Module subsync.synchro.output

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from subsync import utils
from subsync.translations import _
from subsync.error import Error
import os

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__pdoc__ = {
        'PathFormatter': False,
        'ConditionalFormatter': False,

class OutputFile(object):
    """Subtitle target description - specifies where output should be saved."""

    def __init__(self, path=None, *, enc=None, fps=None):
        path: str
            Output path or pattern. Path could be literal or may contain
            following variables:

              - `{sub_path}`/`{ref_path}` - subtitle/reference full path;
              - `{sub_no}`/`{ref_no}` - stream number;
              - `{sub_lang}`/`{ref_lang}` - 3-letter language code;
              - `{sub_name}`/`{ref_name}` - file name (without path and extension);
              - `{sub_dir}`/`{ref_dir}` - directory path;
              - `{if:<field>:<value>}` - if field is set, append value;
              - `{if_not:<field>:<value>}` - if field is not set, append value.

        enc: str, optional
            Character encoding, default is 'UTF-8'.
        fps: float, optional
            Framerate, applies only for frame-based subtitles.

        Subtitle format is derived from file extension, thus path must end with
        one of the supported extensions.


        self.path = path
        self.enc  = enc or 'UTF-8'
        self.fps  = fps
        self.pathFormatter = None

    def getPath(self, sub, ref):
        """Compile path pattern for given `sub` and `ref`."""
        if self.pathFormatter is None:
            self.pathFormatter = PathFormatter()
        return self.pathFormatter.format(self.path, sub, ref)

    def validateOutputPattern(self):
        """Raise exception for invalid path pattern."""

    def serialize(self):
        res = {}
        if self.path: res['path'] = self.path
        if self.enc:  res['enc'] = self.enc
        if self.fps:  res['fps'] = self.fps
        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return utils.fmtobj(self.__class__.__name__,
                path = self.path,
                enc = self.enc,
                fps = self.fps)

    def __str__(self):
        return utils.fmtstr(self.path,
                enc = self.enc,
                fps = self.fps)

class PathFormatter(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def clearCache(self):
        self.d = {}
        self.cache = (None, None, None)

    def format(self, pattern, sub, ref):
        if pattern is None or sub is None or ref is None:
            return None

        cacheKey = (sub.path,, sub.lang, ref.path,, ref.lang)

        if self.cache[0] == cacheKey:
            if self.cache[1] == pattern:
                return self.cache[2]

            self.d = {}
            for prefix, item in [ ('sub_', sub), ('ref_', ref) ]:
                self.d[ prefix + 'path' ] = item.path
                self.d[ prefix + 'no'   ] = str( + 1)
                self.d[ prefix + 'lang' ] = item.lang or ''
                self.d[ prefix + 'name' ] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item.path))[0]
                self.d[ prefix + 'dir'  ] = os.path.dirname(item.path)

        path = _formatPattern(pattern, self.d)
        self.cache = (cacheKey, pattern, path)
        return path

def validatePattern(pattern):
    """Raise exception for invalid path pattern."""
    d = {}
    for prefix in [ 'sub_', 'ref_' ]:
        for name in [ 'path', 'no', 'lang', 'name', 'dir' ]:
            d[ prefix + name ] = ''
    _formatPattern(pattern, d)

def _formatPattern(pattern, formatter):
        return pattern.format(**formatter, **{
            'if': ConditionalFormatter(formatter),
            'if_not': ConditionalFormatter(formatter, inverted=True)

    except KeyError as e:
        raise Error(_('Invalid output pattern, invalid keyword: {}').format(e),

    except Exception as e:
        raise Error(_('Invalid output pattern, {}').format(e), pattern=pattern)

class ConditionalFormatter(object):
    def __init__(self, items, inverted=False):
        self.items = items
        self.inverted = inverted

    def __format__(self, fmt):
        key, val = fmt.split(':', 1)
        if bool(self.items[key]) ^ self.inverted:
            return val
            return ''


def validatePattern(pattern)

Raise exception for invalid path pattern.

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def validatePattern(pattern):
    """Raise exception for invalid path pattern."""
    d = {}
    for prefix in [ 'sub_', 'ref_' ]:
        for name in [ 'path', 'no', 'lang', 'name', 'dir' ]:
            d[ prefix + name ] = ''
    _formatPattern(pattern, d)


class OutputFile (path=None, *, enc=None, fps=None)

Subtitle target description - specifies where output should be saved.


path : str

Output path or pattern. Path could be literal or may contain following variables:

  • {sub_path}/{ref_path} - subtitle/reference full path;
  • {sub_no}/{ref_no} - stream number;
  • {sub_lang}/{ref_lang} - 3-letter language code;
  • {sub_name}/{ref_name} - file name (without path and extension);
  • {sub_dir}/{ref_dir} - directory path;
  • {if:<field>:<value>} - if field is set, append value;
  • {if_not:<field>:<value>} - if field is not set, append value.
enc : str, optional
Character encoding, default is 'UTF-8'.
fps : float, optional
Framerate, applies only for frame-based subtitles.


Subtitle format is derived from file extension, thus path must end with one of the supported extensions.




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class OutputFile(object):
    """Subtitle target description - specifies where output should be saved."""

    def __init__(self, path=None, *, enc=None, fps=None):
        path: str
            Output path or pattern. Path could be literal or may contain
            following variables:

              - `{sub_path}`/`{ref_path}` - subtitle/reference full path;
              - `{sub_no}`/`{ref_no}` - stream number;
              - `{sub_lang}`/`{ref_lang}` - 3-letter language code;
              - `{sub_name}`/`{ref_name}` - file name (without path and extension);
              - `{sub_dir}`/`{ref_dir}` - directory path;
              - `{if:<field>:<value>}` - if field is set, append value;
              - `{if_not:<field>:<value>}` - if field is not set, append value.

        enc: str, optional
            Character encoding, default is 'UTF-8'.
        fps: float, optional
            Framerate, applies only for frame-based subtitles.

        Subtitle format is derived from file extension, thus path must end with
        one of the supported extensions.


        self.path = path
        self.enc  = enc or 'UTF-8'
        self.fps  = fps
        self.pathFormatter = None

    def getPath(self, sub, ref):
        """Compile path pattern for given `sub` and `ref`."""
        if self.pathFormatter is None:
            self.pathFormatter = PathFormatter()
        return self.pathFormatter.format(self.path, sub, ref)

    def validateOutputPattern(self):
        """Raise exception for invalid path pattern."""

    def serialize(self):
        res = {}
        if self.path: res['path'] = self.path
        if self.enc:  res['enc'] = self.enc
        if self.fps:  res['fps'] = self.fps
        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return utils.fmtobj(self.__class__.__name__,
                path = self.path,
                enc = self.enc,
                fps = self.fps)

    def __str__(self):
        return utils.fmtstr(self.path,
                enc = self.enc,
                fps = self.fps)


def getPath(self, sub, ref)

Compile path pattern for given sub and ref.

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def getPath(self, sub, ref):
    """Compile path pattern for given `sub` and `ref`."""
    if self.pathFormatter is None:
        self.pathFormatter = PathFormatter()
    return self.pathFormatter.format(self.path, sub, ref)
def serialize(self)
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def serialize(self):
    res = {}
    if self.path: res['path'] = self.path
    if self.enc:  res['enc'] = self.enc
    if self.fps:  res['fps'] = self.fps
    return res
def validateOutputPattern(self)

Raise exception for invalid path pattern.

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def validateOutputPattern(self):
    """Raise exception for invalid path pattern."""