Module subsync.synchro.controller

Expand source code
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Iterable
import time
import threading
from subsync.settings import settings
from subsync.error import Error

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__pdoc__ = {
        'SyncJobResult.success': 'Whether synchronization succeeded.',
        'SyncJobResult.terminated': 'Whether synchronization was terminated with `SyncController.terminate`.',
        'SyncJobResult.path': 'Where output subtitles was saved. `None` if subtites was not saved automatically.',

        'SyncStatus.correlated': 'Whether subtitles are correlated and ready to be saved.',
        'SyncStatus.maxChange': 'Maximum time delta that was applied for a single subtitle line, in seconds.',
        'SyncStatus.progress': 'Progress estimation, between 0 and 1.',
        'SyncStatus.factor': 'Correlation factor, between 0 and 1.',
        'SyncStatus.points': 'Number of synchronization points.',
        'SyncStatus.formula': 'Mathematical formula used for synchronization.',
        'SyncStatus.effort': 'Current effort spent for synchronization, between 0 and 1 or -1 if not yet correlated.',

SyncJobResult = namedtuple('SyncJobResult', [
SyncJobResult.__doc__ = """Result of single synchronization task."""

SyncStatus = namedtuple('SyncStatus', [
SyncStatus.__doc__ = """Synchronization status.

`correlated` set to `True` does not necessary mean that correlation is done -
we could yet get better fix.
In interactive mode, subtitles could be saved when `correlated` is set.

class SyncController(object):
    """Synchronization controller.

    Controls subtitle synchronization process. Synchronization is performed
    asynchronously in separate threads controlled internally. Status is reported
    by optional callbacks.

    def __init__(self, listener=None, **kw):
        listener: object, optional
            Object with methods named as following callback parameters.
        onJobStart: callable(task), optional
            Called when the task synchronization starts.
        onJobEnd: callable(task, status, result), optional
            Called when the task synchronization ends.
        onJobUpdate: callable(task, status), optional
            Called periodically during synchronization to report current state.
        onFinish: callable(terminated), optional
            Called when synchronizer ends its work - either all tasks are
            processed or synchronization was terminated;
        onError: callable(task, source, error), optional
            Called to report non-terminal errors. Non-terminal errors are errors
            not causing synchronizer to stop, but could impact results, e.g. audio
            decoding errors.

        Callbacks arguments:

        - task : `subsync.synchro.SyncTask` - object passed to
        - status : `SyncStatus` - object reflecting current synchronization state;
        - result : `SyncJobResult`;
        - terminated : `bool` - whether synchronization was terminated;
        - source : `str` - error source, could be 'sub' or 'ref' for
            subtitle/reference extractor or 'core';
        - error - exception instance.
        self._onJobStart = kw.get('onJobStart', getattr(listener, 'onJobStart', lambda task: None))
        self._onJobInit = kw.get('onJobInit', getattr(listener, 'onJobInit', lambda task: None))
        self._onJobEnd = kw.get('onJobEnd', getattr(listener, 'onJobEnd', lambda task, status, result: None))
        self._onJobUpdate = kw.get('onJobUpdate', getattr(listener, 'onJobUpdate', lambda task, status: None))
        self._onFinish = kw.get('onFinish', getattr(listener, 'onFinish', lambda terminated: None))
        self._onError = kw.get('onError', getattr(listener, 'onError', lambda task, source, error: None))

        self._options = settings().getSynchronizationOptions()
        self._thread = None
        self._semaphore = threading.Semaphore()
        self._sync = None
        self._terminated = False

    def configure(self, **kw):
        """Override default synchronization options.

        maxPointDist: float, optional
            Maximum acceptable synchronization error, in seconds (default 2).
        minPointsNo: int, optional
            Minimum synchronization points no (default 20).
        outputCharEnc: str or None, optional
            Output character encoding, `None` for the same encoding as input
            subtitles (default 'UTF-8').
        windowSize: float, optional
            Synchronization window, in seconds. Timestamps will be corrected
            no more than this value (default 1800).
        minWordProb: float, optional
            Minimum speech recognition score, between 0 and 1 (default 0.3).
        jobsNo: int or None, optional
            Number of concurent synchronization threads, `None` for auto
            (default `None`).
        minWordLen: int, optional
            Minumum word length, in letters. Shorter words will not be used as
            synchronization points (default 5).
        minCorrelation: float, optional
            Minimum correlation factor, between 0 and 1 (default 0.9999).
        minWordsSim: float, optional
            Minimum words similarity to be used as synchronization points,
            between 0 and 1 (default 0.6).
        minEffort: float, optional
            Controls when synchronization should be stopped, between 0 and
            1 (default 0.5).
        outTimeOffset: float, optional
            Add constant offset to output subtitles, in seconds (default 0).
        overwrite: bool, optional
            Whether to overwrite existing output files. If not set, output file
            name will be suffixed with number if needed, to avoid overwritting
            (default `False`).
        for key, val in kw.items():
            if key not in self._options:
                raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(key))
            self._options[key] = val

    def synchronize(self, tasks, *, timeout=None, interactive=False):
        """Start task[s] synchronization.

        tasks: SyncTask or iterable of SyncTask
            Single or several synchronization tasks.
        timeout: float or None, optional
            How often to call `onJobUpdate` callback, in seconds (if
            registered). `None` to not call it at all.
        interactive: bool, optional
            In interactive, tasks subtitles are not saved automatically
            (`minEffort` and task `out` field are ignored) and user is expected
            to save it manually either with `saveSynchronizedSubtitles` or

        Synchronization status changes are notified with callbacks registered
        in constructor.
        `onFinish` is called only when `tasks` is iterable (as oposed to single
        `SyncTask` object).
        if self.isRunning():
            raise RuntimeError('Another synchronization in progress')

        logger.debug('synchronization options: %s', self._options)

        self._terminated = False
        if isinstance(tasks, Iterable):
            for task in tasks:
                self.validateTask(task, interactive=interactive)

            self._thread = threading.Thread(
                    args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),
            self.validateTask(tasks, interactive=interactive)
            self._thread = threading.Thread(
                    args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),

    def terminate(self):
        """Terminate running synchronization.

        Does nothing if synchronization is not running.
        if self.isRunning():
            self._terminated = True

    def isRunning(self):
        """Check if synchronization is running.

        return self._thread and self._thread.is_alive()

    def wait(self):
        """Block until synchronization ends.

            `True` if synchronization finished (either successfully or not),
            `False` if it was terminated with `SyncController.terminate`.
        if self._thread:
        return not self._terminated

    def getStatus(self):
        """Return current synchronization status.

        SyncStatus or None
        return self._sync and self._sync.getStatus()

    def getProgress(self):
        """Return synchronization progress.

        float or None
            Progress of currently processed `SyncTask`, between 0 and 1.
            `None` if no task was run.
        return self._sync and self._sync.getProgress()

    def getSynchronizedSubtitles(self):
        if self._sync is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Subtitles not synchronized')
        return self._sync.getSynchronizedSubtitles()

    def saveSynchronizedSubtitles(self, path=None, task=None):
        """Save synchronized subtitles.

        path: str, optional
            Path to output subtitles.
        task: SyncTask, optional
            `out` field of task will be used as output description.

        At least one parameter must be set. Subtitles will be saved in `path` or
        in `task`.out.path if `path` is not set. `task`.out character encoding
        and framerate will be used, if set.
        if not path and not task:
            raise RuntimeError('At least one of the following arguments must be set: path or task')

        subs = self.getSynchronizedSubtitles()
        offset = self._options.get('outTimeOffset')
        if offset:
  'adjusting timestamps by offset %.3f', offset)

        enc = (task and task.out and task.out.enc) \
                or self._options.get('outputCharEnc') \
                or (task and task.sub and task.sub.enc) or 'UTF-8'

        return or task.getOutputPath(),
                fps=task and task.out and task.out.fps,

    def validateTask(self, task, *, interactive=False):
        """Check if task is properly defined.

        task: SyncTask
            Task to validate.
        interactive: bool, optional
            For interactive synchronization `out` will not be vaildated.

            Invalid task.
        KeyError or Exception
            Invalid `task`.out.path pattern.
        sub, ref, out = task.sub, task.ref, task.out
        if sub is None or not sub.path or is None:
            raise Error('subtitles not set', task=task)
        if ref is None or not ref.path or is None:
            raise Error('reference file not set', task=task)
        if not interactive and (out is None or not out.path):
            raise Error('output path not set', task=task)
        if not interactive:

    def _run(self, tasks, timeout, interactive):
            for no, task in enumerate(tasks):
                if not self._terminated:
          'running task %i/%i: %r', no, len(tasks), task)
                    self._runTask(task, timeout, interactive)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(None, 'core', err)

  'synchronization finished')

    def _runTask(self, task, timeout, interactive):
            from .synchronizer import Synchronizer
            self._sync = sync = Synchronizer(task.sub, task.ref)
            sync.onUpdate = self._semaphore.release
            sync.onError = lambda src, err: self._onError(task, src, err)

            sync.init(self._options, runCb=lambda: not self._terminated)
            if not self._terminated:


            status = sync.getStatus()
            minEffort = self._options.get('minEffort', 1.0)
            if timeout is not None:
                lastTime = time.monotonic() - timeout

            while not self._terminated and sync.isRunning() \
                    and (interactive or minEffort >= 1.0 or status.effort < minEffort):
                status = sync.getStatus()

                if timeout is not None:
                    now = time.monotonic()
                    if now - lastTime >= timeout:
                        lastTime = now
                        self._onJobUpdate(task, status)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(task, 'core', err)

            status = sync.getStatus()
  'result: %r', status)
            succeeded = not self._terminated and status and status.correlated
            path = None

            if not interactive and succeeded and task.out:
                    path = self.saveSynchronizedSubtitles(task=task)

                except Exception as err:
                    logger.warning('subtitle save failed: %r', err, exc_info=True)
                    self._onError(task, 'core', err)
                    succeeded = False

            res = SyncJobResult(succeeded, self._terminated, path)
            self._onJobEnd(task, status, res)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(task, 'core', err)

  'task finished %r', task)


class SyncController (listener=None, **kw)

Synchronization controller.

Controls subtitle synchronization process. Synchronization is performed asynchronously in separate threads controlled internally. Status is reported by optional callbacks.


listener : object, optional
Object with methods named as following callback parameters.
onJobStart : callable(task), optional
Called when the task synchronization starts.
onJobEnd : callable(task, status, result), optional
Called when the task synchronization ends.
onJobUpdate : callable(task, status), optional
Called periodically during synchronization to report current state.
onFinish : callable(terminated), optional
Called when synchronizer ends its work - either all tasks are processed or synchronization was terminated;
onError : callable(task, source, error), optional
Called to report non-terminal errors. Non-terminal errors are errors not causing synchronizer to stop, but could impact results, e.g. audio decoding errors.


Callbacks arguments:

  • task : SyncTask - object passed to SyncController.synchronize();
  • status : SyncStatus - object reflecting current synchronization state;
  • result : SyncJobResult;
  • terminated : bool - whether synchronization was terminated;
  • source : str - error source, could be 'sub' or 'ref' for subtitle/reference extractor or 'core';
  • error - exception instance.
Expand source code
class SyncController(object):
    """Synchronization controller.

    Controls subtitle synchronization process. Synchronization is performed
    asynchronously in separate threads controlled internally. Status is reported
    by optional callbacks.

    def __init__(self, listener=None, **kw):
        listener: object, optional
            Object with methods named as following callback parameters.
        onJobStart: callable(task), optional
            Called when the task synchronization starts.
        onJobEnd: callable(task, status, result), optional
            Called when the task synchronization ends.
        onJobUpdate: callable(task, status), optional
            Called periodically during synchronization to report current state.
        onFinish: callable(terminated), optional
            Called when synchronizer ends its work - either all tasks are
            processed or synchronization was terminated;
        onError: callable(task, source, error), optional
            Called to report non-terminal errors. Non-terminal errors are errors
            not causing synchronizer to stop, but could impact results, e.g. audio
            decoding errors.

        Callbacks arguments:

        - task : `subsync.synchro.SyncTask` - object passed to
        - status : `SyncStatus` - object reflecting current synchronization state;
        - result : `SyncJobResult`;
        - terminated : `bool` - whether synchronization was terminated;
        - source : `str` - error source, could be 'sub' or 'ref' for
            subtitle/reference extractor or 'core';
        - error - exception instance.
        self._onJobStart = kw.get('onJobStart', getattr(listener, 'onJobStart', lambda task: None))
        self._onJobInit = kw.get('onJobInit', getattr(listener, 'onJobInit', lambda task: None))
        self._onJobEnd = kw.get('onJobEnd', getattr(listener, 'onJobEnd', lambda task, status, result: None))
        self._onJobUpdate = kw.get('onJobUpdate', getattr(listener, 'onJobUpdate', lambda task, status: None))
        self._onFinish = kw.get('onFinish', getattr(listener, 'onFinish', lambda terminated: None))
        self._onError = kw.get('onError', getattr(listener, 'onError', lambda task, source, error: None))

        self._options = settings().getSynchronizationOptions()
        self._thread = None
        self._semaphore = threading.Semaphore()
        self._sync = None
        self._terminated = False

    def configure(self, **kw):
        """Override default synchronization options.

        maxPointDist: float, optional
            Maximum acceptable synchronization error, in seconds (default 2).
        minPointsNo: int, optional
            Minimum synchronization points no (default 20).
        outputCharEnc: str or None, optional
            Output character encoding, `None` for the same encoding as input
            subtitles (default 'UTF-8').
        windowSize: float, optional
            Synchronization window, in seconds. Timestamps will be corrected
            no more than this value (default 1800).
        minWordProb: float, optional
            Minimum speech recognition score, between 0 and 1 (default 0.3).
        jobsNo: int or None, optional
            Number of concurent synchronization threads, `None` for auto
            (default `None`).
        minWordLen: int, optional
            Minumum word length, in letters. Shorter words will not be used as
            synchronization points (default 5).
        minCorrelation: float, optional
            Minimum correlation factor, between 0 and 1 (default 0.9999).
        minWordsSim: float, optional
            Minimum words similarity to be used as synchronization points,
            between 0 and 1 (default 0.6).
        minEffort: float, optional
            Controls when synchronization should be stopped, between 0 and
            1 (default 0.5).
        outTimeOffset: float, optional
            Add constant offset to output subtitles, in seconds (default 0).
        overwrite: bool, optional
            Whether to overwrite existing output files. If not set, output file
            name will be suffixed with number if needed, to avoid overwritting
            (default `False`).
        for key, val in kw.items():
            if key not in self._options:
                raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(key))
            self._options[key] = val

    def synchronize(self, tasks, *, timeout=None, interactive=False):
        """Start task[s] synchronization.

        tasks: SyncTask or iterable of SyncTask
            Single or several synchronization tasks.
        timeout: float or None, optional
            How often to call `onJobUpdate` callback, in seconds (if
            registered). `None` to not call it at all.
        interactive: bool, optional
            In interactive, tasks subtitles are not saved automatically
            (`minEffort` and task `out` field are ignored) and user is expected
            to save it manually either with `saveSynchronizedSubtitles` or

        Synchronization status changes are notified with callbacks registered
        in constructor.
        `onFinish` is called only when `tasks` is iterable (as oposed to single
        `SyncTask` object).
        if self.isRunning():
            raise RuntimeError('Another synchronization in progress')

        logger.debug('synchronization options: %s', self._options)

        self._terminated = False
        if isinstance(tasks, Iterable):
            for task in tasks:
                self.validateTask(task, interactive=interactive)

            self._thread = threading.Thread(
                    args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),
            self.validateTask(tasks, interactive=interactive)
            self._thread = threading.Thread(
                    args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),

    def terminate(self):
        """Terminate running synchronization.

        Does nothing if synchronization is not running.
        if self.isRunning():
            self._terminated = True

    def isRunning(self):
        """Check if synchronization is running.

        return self._thread and self._thread.is_alive()

    def wait(self):
        """Block until synchronization ends.

            `True` if synchronization finished (either successfully or not),
            `False` if it was terminated with `SyncController.terminate`.
        if self._thread:
        return not self._terminated

    def getStatus(self):
        """Return current synchronization status.

        SyncStatus or None
        return self._sync and self._sync.getStatus()

    def getProgress(self):
        """Return synchronization progress.

        float or None
            Progress of currently processed `SyncTask`, between 0 and 1.
            `None` if no task was run.
        return self._sync and self._sync.getProgress()

    def getSynchronizedSubtitles(self):
        if self._sync is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Subtitles not synchronized')
        return self._sync.getSynchronizedSubtitles()

    def saveSynchronizedSubtitles(self, path=None, task=None):
        """Save synchronized subtitles.

        path: str, optional
            Path to output subtitles.
        task: SyncTask, optional
            `out` field of task will be used as output description.

        At least one parameter must be set. Subtitles will be saved in `path` or
        in `task`.out.path if `path` is not set. `task`.out character encoding
        and framerate will be used, if set.
        if not path and not task:
            raise RuntimeError('At least one of the following arguments must be set: path or task')

        subs = self.getSynchronizedSubtitles()
        offset = self._options.get('outTimeOffset')
        if offset:
  'adjusting timestamps by offset %.3f', offset)

        enc = (task and task.out and task.out.enc) \
                or self._options.get('outputCharEnc') \
                or (task and task.sub and task.sub.enc) or 'UTF-8'

        return or task.getOutputPath(),
                fps=task and task.out and task.out.fps,

    def validateTask(self, task, *, interactive=False):
        """Check if task is properly defined.

        task: SyncTask
            Task to validate.
        interactive: bool, optional
            For interactive synchronization `out` will not be vaildated.

            Invalid task.
        KeyError or Exception
            Invalid `task`.out.path pattern.
        sub, ref, out = task.sub, task.ref, task.out
        if sub is None or not sub.path or is None:
            raise Error('subtitles not set', task=task)
        if ref is None or not ref.path or is None:
            raise Error('reference file not set', task=task)
        if not interactive and (out is None or not out.path):
            raise Error('output path not set', task=task)
        if not interactive:

    def _run(self, tasks, timeout, interactive):
            for no, task in enumerate(tasks):
                if not self._terminated:
          'running task %i/%i: %r', no, len(tasks), task)
                    self._runTask(task, timeout, interactive)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(None, 'core', err)

  'synchronization finished')

    def _runTask(self, task, timeout, interactive):
            from .synchronizer import Synchronizer
            self._sync = sync = Synchronizer(task.sub, task.ref)
            sync.onUpdate = self._semaphore.release
            sync.onError = lambda src, err: self._onError(task, src, err)

            sync.init(self._options, runCb=lambda: not self._terminated)
            if not self._terminated:


            status = sync.getStatus()
            minEffort = self._options.get('minEffort', 1.0)
            if timeout is not None:
                lastTime = time.monotonic() - timeout

            while not self._terminated and sync.isRunning() \
                    and (interactive or minEffort >= 1.0 or status.effort < minEffort):
                status = sync.getStatus()

                if timeout is not None:
                    now = time.monotonic()
                    if now - lastTime >= timeout:
                        lastTime = now
                        self._onJobUpdate(task, status)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(task, 'core', err)

            status = sync.getStatus()
  'result: %r', status)
            succeeded = not self._terminated and status and status.correlated
            path = None

            if not interactive and succeeded and task.out:
                    path = self.saveSynchronizedSubtitles(task=task)

                except Exception as err:
                    logger.warning('subtitle save failed: %r', err, exc_info=True)
                    self._onError(task, 'core', err)
                    succeeded = False

            res = SyncJobResult(succeeded, self._terminated, path)
            self._onJobEnd(task, status, res)

        except Exception as err:
            logger.warning('%r', err, exc_info=True)
            self._onError(task, 'core', err)

  'task finished %r', task)


def configure(self, **kw)

Override default synchronization options.


maxPointDist : float, optional
Maximum acceptable synchronization error, in seconds (default 2).
minPointsNo : int, optional
Minimum synchronization points no (default 20).
outputCharEnc : str or None, optional
Output character encoding, None for the same encoding as input subtitles (default 'UTF-8').
windowSize : float, optional
Synchronization window, in seconds. Timestamps will be corrected no more than this value (default 1800).
minWordProb : float, optional
Minimum speech recognition score, between 0 and 1 (default 0.3).
jobsNo : int or None, optional
Number of concurent synchronization threads, None for auto (default None).
minWordLen : int, optional
Minumum word length, in letters. Shorter words will not be used as synchronization points (default 5).
minCorrelation : float, optional
Minimum correlation factor, between 0 and 1 (default 0.9999).
minWordsSim : float, optional
Minimum words similarity to be used as synchronization points, between 0 and 1 (default 0.6).
minEffort : float, optional
Controls when synchronization should be stopped, between 0 and 1 (default 0.5).
outTimeOffset : float, optional
Add constant offset to output subtitles, in seconds (default 0).
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite existing output files. If not set, output file name will be suffixed with number if needed, to avoid overwritting (default False).
Expand source code
def configure(self, **kw):
    """Override default synchronization options.

    maxPointDist: float, optional
        Maximum acceptable synchronization error, in seconds (default 2).
    minPointsNo: int, optional
        Minimum synchronization points no (default 20).
    outputCharEnc: str or None, optional
        Output character encoding, `None` for the same encoding as input
        subtitles (default 'UTF-8').
    windowSize: float, optional
        Synchronization window, in seconds. Timestamps will be corrected
        no more than this value (default 1800).
    minWordProb: float, optional
        Minimum speech recognition score, between 0 and 1 (default 0.3).
    jobsNo: int or None, optional
        Number of concurent synchronization threads, `None` for auto
        (default `None`).
    minWordLen: int, optional
        Minumum word length, in letters. Shorter words will not be used as
        synchronization points (default 5).
    minCorrelation: float, optional
        Minimum correlation factor, between 0 and 1 (default 0.9999).
    minWordsSim: float, optional
        Minimum words similarity to be used as synchronization points,
        between 0 and 1 (default 0.6).
    minEffort: float, optional
        Controls when synchronization should be stopped, between 0 and
        1 (default 0.5).
    outTimeOffset: float, optional
        Add constant offset to output subtitles, in seconds (default 0).
    overwrite: bool, optional
        Whether to overwrite existing output files. If not set, output file
        name will be suffixed with number if needed, to avoid overwritting
        (default `False`).
    for key, val in kw.items():
        if key not in self._options:
            raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(key))
        self._options[key] = val
def getProgress(self)

Return synchronization progress.


float or None
Progress of currently processed SyncTask, between 0 and 1. None if no task was run.
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def getProgress(self):
    """Return synchronization progress.

    float or None
        Progress of currently processed `SyncTask`, between 0 and 1.
        `None` if no task was run.
    return self._sync and self._sync.getProgress()
def getStatus(self)

Return current synchronization status.


SyncStatus or None
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def getStatus(self):
    """Return current synchronization status.

    SyncStatus or None
    return self._sync and self._sync.getStatus()
def getSynchronizedSubtitles(self)
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def getSynchronizedSubtitles(self):
    if self._sync is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Subtitles not synchronized')
    return self._sync.getSynchronizedSubtitles()
def isRunning(self)

Check if synchronization is running.


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def isRunning(self):
    """Check if synchronization is running.

    return self._thread and self._thread.is_alive()
def saveSynchronizedSubtitles(self, path=None, task=None)

Save synchronized subtitles.


path : str, optional
Path to output subtitles.
task : SyncTask, optional
out field of task will be used as output description.


At least one parameter must be set. Subtitles will be saved in path or in task.out.path if path is not set. task.out character encoding and framerate will be used, if set.

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def saveSynchronizedSubtitles(self, path=None, task=None):
    """Save synchronized subtitles.

    path: str, optional
        Path to output subtitles.
    task: SyncTask, optional
        `out` field of task will be used as output description.

    At least one parameter must be set. Subtitles will be saved in `path` or
    in `task`.out.path if `path` is not set. `task`.out character encoding
    and framerate will be used, if set.
    if not path and not task:
        raise RuntimeError('At least one of the following arguments must be set: path or task')

    subs = self.getSynchronizedSubtitles()
    offset = self._options.get('outTimeOffset')
    if offset:'adjusting timestamps by offset %.3f', offset)

    enc = (task and task.out and task.out.enc) \
            or self._options.get('outputCharEnc') \
            or (task and task.sub and task.sub.enc) or 'UTF-8'

    return or task.getOutputPath(),
            fps=task and task.out and task.out.fps,
def synchronize(self, tasks, *, timeout=None, interactive=False)

Start task[s] synchronization.


tasks : SyncTask or iterable of SyncTask
Single or several synchronization tasks.
timeout : float or None, optional
How often to call onJobUpdate callback, in seconds (if registered). None to not call it at all.
interactive : bool, optional
In interactive, tasks subtitles are not saved automatically (minEffort and task out field are ignored) and user is expected to save it manually either with saveSynchronizedSubtitles or getSynchronizedSubtitles.


Synchronization status changes are notified with callbacks registered in constructor. onFinish is called only when tasks is iterable (as oposed to single SyncTask object).

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def synchronize(self, tasks, *, timeout=None, interactive=False):
    """Start task[s] synchronization.

    tasks: SyncTask or iterable of SyncTask
        Single or several synchronization tasks.
    timeout: float or None, optional
        How often to call `onJobUpdate` callback, in seconds (if
        registered). `None` to not call it at all.
    interactive: bool, optional
        In interactive, tasks subtitles are not saved automatically
        (`minEffort` and task `out` field are ignored) and user is expected
        to save it manually either with `saveSynchronizedSubtitles` or

    Synchronization status changes are notified with callbacks registered
    in constructor.
    `onFinish` is called only when `tasks` is iterable (as oposed to single
    `SyncTask` object).
    if self.isRunning():
        raise RuntimeError('Another synchronization in progress')

    logger.debug('synchronization options: %s', self._options)

    self._terminated = False
    if isinstance(tasks, Iterable):
        for task in tasks:
            self.validateTask(task, interactive=interactive)

        self._thread = threading.Thread(
                args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),
        self.validateTask(tasks, interactive=interactive)
        self._thread = threading.Thread(
                args=(tasks, timeout, interactive),
def terminate(self)

Terminate running synchronization.

Does nothing if synchronization is not running.

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def terminate(self):
    """Terminate running synchronization.

    Does nothing if synchronization is not running.
    if self.isRunning():
        self._terminated = True
def validateTask(self, task, *, interactive=False)

Check if task is properly defined.


task : SyncTask
Task to validate.
interactive : bool, optional
For interactive synchronization out will not be vaildated.


Invalid task.
KeyError or Exception
Invalid task.out.path pattern.
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def validateTask(self, task, *, interactive=False):
    """Check if task is properly defined.

    task: SyncTask
        Task to validate.
    interactive: bool, optional
        For interactive synchronization `out` will not be vaildated.

        Invalid task.
    KeyError or Exception
        Invalid `task`.out.path pattern.
    sub, ref, out = task.sub, task.ref, task.out
    if sub is None or not sub.path or is None:
        raise Error('subtitles not set', task=task)
    if ref is None or not ref.path or is None:
        raise Error('reference file not set', task=task)
    if not interactive and (out is None or not out.path):
        raise Error('output path not set', task=task)
    if not interactive:
def wait(self)

Block until synchronization ends.


True if synchronization finished (either successfully or not), False if it was terminated with SyncController.terminate().
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def wait(self):
    """Block until synchronization ends.

        `True` if synchronization finished (either successfully or not),
        `False` if it was terminated with `SyncController.terminate`.
    if self._thread:
    return not self._terminated
class SyncJobResult (success, terminated, path)

Result of single synchronization task.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var path

Where output subtitles was saved. None if subtites was not saved automatically.

var success

Whether synchronization succeeded.

var terminated

Whether synchronization was terminated with SyncController.terminate().

class SyncStatus (correlated, maxChange, progress, factor, points, formula, effort)

Synchronization status.


correlated set to True does not necessary mean that correlation is done - we could yet get better fix. In interactive mode, subtitles could be saved when correlated is set.


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var correlated

Whether subtitles are correlated and ready to be saved.

var effort

Current effort spent for synchronization, between 0 and 1 or -1 if not yet correlated.

var factor

Correlation factor, between 0 and 1.

var formula

Mathematical formula used for synchronization.

var maxChange

Maximum time delta that was applied for a single subtitle line, in seconds.

var points

Number of synchronization points.

var progress

Progress estimation, between 0 and 1.